Do Mafia movies and television shows such as the Sopranos affect the image of Italian Americans?5/19/2014 The Study below was done during the showing of “The Sopranos” years ago. Now with the introducing of the many realities shows and the increase in negative stereotypic shows and movies do you think if this study was done today would the results be different. Read the results to the Final Exam questions in “The Mafia and the Movies: The Construction of the Image of Italians and Italian Americans in the Movies” (Ben Lawton, Chair Italian Studies; Chair, Film Studies, Purdue University). They surveyed 40 students in their respective organizations, in some cases where they lived, and they came up with some amusing replies when questioning about Italian Americans. They surveyed a fraternity, sorority, and a co-op. It broke down like this.
In a recent article about the use of the image of Michelangelo’s statue David, we cited an advertising industry organization, the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) standards of practice. At the end of the article we wrote “stay tuned”. We had also written about our campaign against AFLAC’s commercial again depicting Italian Americans in negative light. After writing those articles, we learned that our efforts were not solitary. In fact we began to receive copies of letters and emails of support for our efforts from several national organizations, some of whom are Italian American groups. We received support messages from UNICO national and chapters as well as from the Order of the Sons of Italy’s New York State Lodge’s Commission for Social Justice.
Will Italian Americans ever be on the same playing field as other ethnic and racial groups?5/2/2014 Many of you are aware of the unacceptable remarks made by Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling and Nevada cattle rancher, Cliven Bundy, about African Americans. Senator Harry Reid is also advocating the elimination of the Washington Redskins name on behalf of Native Americans.
January 2015
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