Cable Network A&E’s latest reality show that stereotypes and denigrates Italian Americans, “The Godfather of Pittsburgh,” has been cancelled after only 3 episodes. The show was targeted by the Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition, UNICO National and many Italian Americans. The show is replete with mob-inspired messaging and references to criminal activity and violence. “Godfather of Pittsburgh” follows Vince Isoldi, who operates several businesses including a strip club, and says, despite the show’s title, “I’m just a businessman. I’m not mafia.”
The Italian American One Voice Coalition (IAOVC) has denounced A&E’s latest and most disgraceful “reality” series to date, “The Godfather of Pittsburgh” and called on the show’s sponsors to cease and desist their sponsorship. Dr. Manny Alfano, President and Founder of IAOVC stated emphatically, “This show is a disgrace and insult to all Italian Americans. It perpetuates a negative stereotype to the worst degree possible.” He further stated, “The show is without merit or any redeeming qualities; it does not represent the millions of law abiding, decent Americans of Italian descent who have every right to be proud of a rich cultural heritage and the many contributions their families have made to this country.”
January 2015
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